Gabriel Bombo and Mélissa José from GreenCoLab have recently participated in the ParAqua EU COST Action training school on “Zoosporic Parasites Isolation and Drivers” at the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Biology, Serbia.
During the two-day training school, Gabriel gave a theoretical and practical class on “Contaminants and parasites affecting algae cultures: Identification, isolation, and possible solutions.” The training school provided an opportunity for Gabriel and Mélissa to learn from other researchers in the field and expand their network on such an important topic in algal biotechnology.
The knowledge gained from the training school is relevant for developing detection and control strategies against infection risks in production systems. As ParAqua EU COST Action aims to compile and share knowledge on the occurrence and drivers of zoosporic infections, the tools implemented range from specialist meetings to bespoke workshops to short-term scientific missions.
ParAqua EU COST Action is an EU-funded network comprised of academic and RDI researchers as well as water managers, aimed at advancing and consolidating the knowledge and know-how on zoosporic parasites in all types of aquatic environments.