Joining the Pieces in

Algal Biotechnology

A collaborative platform to bridge the transfer of knowledge from academia, industry, stakeholders, and consumers.
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Joining the Pieces in

Algal Biotechnology

A collaborative platform to bridge the transfer of knowledge from academia, industry, stakeholders, and consumers.
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About GreenCoLab

GreenCoLab is a non-profit private organization, a collaborative platform between research and industry, whose research & innovation agenda is based on the exploration of macro- and microalgae as an essential component for different industries. GreenCoLab holds a multidisciplinary team that couples a highly skilled team of international researchers with key associate researchers from our partners.
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Why Algae

Algae are one of the largest biomass producers in the aquatic environment, with a rich nutritional composition and the capacity to produce a wide variety of chemically active metabolites with limitless potential.
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Why Algae

Algae are one of the largest biomass producers in the aquatic environment, with a rich nutritional composition and the capacity to produce a wide variety of chemically active metabolites with limitless potential.
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Using frontier technology allied with years of consolidated knowledge of our partners GreenCoLab provides an extensive range of services to assist you in the topics related with algae cultivation, processing and much more.
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Using frontier technology allied with years of consolidated knowledge of our partners GreenCoLab provides an extensive range of services to assist you in the topics related with algae cultivation, processing and much more.
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Our Partners

GreenCoLab is composed of two research centers (CCMAR and CIIMAR), one state laboratory (LNEG), one university (UA) and six companies, namely Allmicroalgae, Necton, Algaplus, Sparos, Iberagar and Gopsis, with the common goal of advancing the RDI on algae biotechnology.
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Our Partners

GreenCoLab is composed of two research centers (CCMAR and CIIMAR), one state laboratory (LNEG), one university (UA) and six companies, namely Allmicroalgae, Necton, Algaplus, Sparos, Iberagar and Gopsis, with the common goal of advancing the RDI on algae biotechnology.
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June 1, 2023

Nature-positive aLgae-based fOod, agriCulture, AquacuLture and textIle producTs made in North and Baltic Sea ecosYstems

Description LOCALITY will implement local, innovative, and sustainable value chains,…
January 1, 2023


Description The project proposes the expansion of the Cross-Border Biotechnology…
September 1, 2022

Gap resolutIon in sAfety, NuTritional, alLergenicity and Environmental assessments to promote Alternative Protein utilization and the dietary Shift

Description Accelerating the transition from animal-based to alternative dietary proteins…
July 1, 2022

Pacto da BIOECONOMIA AZUL | WP5 Algae Vertical & WP9 Portuguese Blue Biobank

PBA | Description Defending a new sustainable, innovative and decarbonizing…
July 18, 2024

Thermal responses of Tetradesmus obliquus for industrial outdoor cultivation

TITLE Thermal responses of Tetradesmus obliquus for industrial outdoor cultivationJOURNAL…
June 19, 2024

Chlorella vulgaris and Tetradesmus obliquus Protect Spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) against Fusarium oxysporum

TITLE Chlorella vulgaris and Tetradesmus obliquus Protect Spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) against Fusarium oxysporumJOURNAL Algal…
June 19, 2024

Unlocking the potential of Euglena gracilis cultivated in piggery wastewater: biomass production, nutrient removal, and biostimulant potential in lettuce and tomato plants

TITLE Unlocking the potential of Euglena gracilis cultivated in piggery wastewater: biomass…
June 7, 2024

Oxyfluorfen: a novel metabolic inhibitor to select microalgal chlorophyll-deficient mutant strains for nutritional applications

TITLE Oxyfluorfen: a novel metabolic inhibitor to select microalgal chlorophyll-deficient…