Heterotrophic cultivation of Chlorella vulgaris yellow mutant on sidestreams: medium formulation and process scale-up
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering
Mafalda Trovão, Ana Barros, Adriana Machado, Ana Reis, Humberto Pedroso, Gonçalo Espírito Santo, Nádia Correia, Monya Costa, Sara Ferreira, Helena Cardoso, João Varela, Joana Silva, Hugo Pereira, Filomena Freitas
Microalgal protein is a promising feedstock to complement and/or replace other protein sources. Besides requiring less land and water usage, microalgae production is a more sustainable process, especially if industrial sidestreams are used as nutrient sources. Additionally, the heterotrophic cultivation of microalgae, such as Chlorella vulgaris, enables the achievement of much higher biomass productivity and lower areal footprint than autotrophic cultivation. Chlorophyll-deficient strains of C. vulgaris, as the yellow strain 7Y, provide microalgal biomass with improved sensory properties. In line with this, a waste-based medium was formulated to cultivate this strain, aiming at maximum biomass productivity. In this context, several industrial sidestreams were screened, and two food wastes and corn molasses were selected for their high nitrogen and glucose concentrations, respectively. The waste-based medium formulated was compared to the inorganic optimised medium at laboratory scale in Erlenmeyer flasks and 7-L reactors. The results obtained in the 7-L fermenters revealed that both conditions achieved similar biomass productivities and growth rates of approximately 14 g L-1 d-1 and 0.8 d-1, respectively. The biomass and protein productivities were further enhanced by supplying a higher nitrogen concentration in the feeding solution when the process was scaled-up to 200-L reactors, reaching 22 and 6.3 g L-1 d-1, respectively, thus validating the developed industrial waste-based medium for the efficient cultivation of C. vulgaris under heterotrophic conditions.